Who Should Keep Original Sale Agreement

When it comes to making sales, it`s important to have a clear and concise agreement in place. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the sale, including the responsibilities and obligations of both the buyer and seller. But the question remains, who should keep the original sale agreement?

In most cases, it`s the responsibility of the seller to keep the original sale agreement. This is because the agreement is essentially a contract between the buyer and seller, and the seller is the one who initiated the sale. By keeping the original agreement, the seller has a record of the terms and conditions agreed upon by both parties.

It`s important for sellers to keep the original sale agreement for several reasons. For starters, having a copy of the agreement helps to protect the seller`s interests in case of any disputes in the future. If the buyer breaches the terms of the agreement, the seller can refer back to the original document for evidence of the agreed-upon terms and conditions.

Another reason why sellers should keep the original sale agreement is that it helps to keep track of payments and deadlines. The agreement will likely include information about when payments are due, and by keeping the original document, the seller can refer back to it to ensure that payments are made on time.

Finally, keeping the original sale agreement can also help to establish the legitimacy of the sale. If the buyer ever tries to dispute the sale or claim that they were not aware of certain terms or conditions, the seller can provide a copy of the original agreement as proof that the buyer agreed to the terms.

In conclusion, it`s the responsibility of the seller to keep the original sale agreement. By doing so, sellers can protect their interests, keep track of payments and deadlines, and establish the legitimacy of the sale. Whether you`re selling a car, a house, or any other item, it`s important to have a clear and concise agreement in place, and to keep the original document in a safe and secure location.