Basic Month to Month Tenancy Agreement Saskatchewan

Basic Month to Month Tenancy Agreement Saskatchewan: What You Need to Know

If you`re a landlord in Saskatchewan, you`ll need to have a tenancy agreement in place when you rent out your property to a tenant. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the tenancy and protects both the landlord and the tenant.

One of the most common types of tenancy agreements is the month to month tenancy agreement. This type of agreement allows the tenant to rent the property on a month to month basis, with no fixed end date.

In Saskatchewan, there are certain requirements that must be included in a basic month to month tenancy agreement. Here`s what you need to know:

1. Names and Addresses of Parties

The agreement should include the name and address of the landlord and the tenant. This ensures that both parties are aware of who they are entering into an agreement with.

2. Rental Amount and Payment Terms

The agreement should clearly state the amount of rent that is due each month, as well as the due date. It should also outline the payment methods that are acceptable, such as cash, cheque, or e-transfer.

3. Security Deposit

If you require a security deposit, you must include this in the agreement. The amount of the deposit should be clearly stated, as well as the terms for the return of the deposit at the end of the tenancy.

4. Utilities and Services

The agreement should specify which utilities and services are included in the rent, such as heat, electricity, and water. If any services are not included, this should also be clearly stated.

5. Maintenance and Repairs

The agreement should outline the responsibilities of both the landlord and the tenant when it comes to maintenance and repairs. This includes who is responsible for minor repairs and who should be contacted in the case of major repairs.

6. Termination and Renewal

The agreement should state the notice period required for terminating the tenancy and how the notice should be given. It should also outline the renewal options for the tenancy.

A basic month to month tenancy agreement is an essential document for any landlord in Saskatchewan. By including the necessary information and adhering to the requirements, landlords can ensure a smooth and successful tenancy agreement.